
Hi, I’m Allison, just another 20-something (ugh, I’m in my 30s now) squirrel living with my husband, daughters and bunny in beautiful Missoula, Montana (the Official Bestest Place in the World). Do I ride a horse to work? No. Would I snuggle a grizzly bear if I didn’t think it would maul my head off? Probably.

Me! (Squirrel)

Me! (Squirrel)


Missoula! (#gogriz)


NOTE: Opinions stated on this blog do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, my family, my friends, people who like me, people who don’t like me, other people named Allison, short people, other people who also suck at softball, or squirrels, real/imagined.

19 responses to this post.

  1. I should have been a Michigan squirrel on my blog! I love those wily creatures and I’m more than a little nuts myself. Michigan is also a beautiful place.


  2. Thanks for the follow! You are also my 100th follower so you are double cool. Thank you.


  3. You’re not a true Missoulan until you’ve driven around the Buffalo preserve.


  4. Thank you for creating this blog! I’ve read only a few of your posts so far, but I rather like your style from what I’ve read.


  5. Posted by nerdycanuck on December 25, 2013 at 12:22 pm

    Love your posts..keep them coming.


  6. How can I NOT follow a blog named Squirrel Thoughts? 😉 Great to have found you through Freshly Pressed!


  7. I found you through Freshly Pressed as well.

    And oddly enough, I’m married to a squirrel.


  8. I haven’t commented yet, but I am LOVING your stuff! You crack me up and make me laugh…always a great thing in this day and age. Can’t wait to see more.
    (Envious of your beautiful location, too!)


  9. I like your style. You’ve got a wicked sense of humor and I love that. 🙂 I look forward to reading more from you.


  10. […] led me to Squirrel Thoughts and New York Cliché, and follows, comments and likes steered me toward The Culture Monk and Nest […]


  11. Thanks looking forward to reading more! Regards from Thom at the immortal jukebox (give it a spin).


  12. Thanks great bblog post


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