A new verb: ‘to Brady’

In an attempt to more eloquently text a snarky remark back to a friend about Tom Brady — whom I openly hate for several reasons, but mainly for his general skeezability — I googled “word for a guy who abandons his pregnant girlfriend” the other day. (Yeah, that’s right. I googled that.) I came across a lot of disturbing stuff, but not an exact term, as I was hoping for.

Then, I got the Best. Idea. Ever. If no such term exists (and maybe it does, but if I can’t find it 2.5 seconds after an Internet search, I’m assuming it doesn’t) then why not invent one myself, and why not base it on the very object of my loathing?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a new verb: “to Brady.”

That’s right — from now on, whenever you’re talking about some dude who abandoned his poor, vulnerable, hormonal pregnant girlfriend — and his own child, for crying out loud! — regardless of how hot the supermodel he left her for is, you have a sweet, more succinct way to say it: “Can you believe he Bradied her like that? What a douchebag!”

(If you’re using this term more than once a week, you might want to reassess the crowd you’re hanging with.)

Will this stack up the the success of “to Squire“? Probably, because that never really got off the ground, as far as I know. But if we band together to make “to Brady” work, anything can happen!

Maybe it'll even make him cry!

Maybe it’ll even make him cry!

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