Posts Tagged ‘photography’

Share the photo

This photo is from last fall, taken at a football game of our college alma mater.

At first glance, looking at it as my husband handed my phone back to me, I liked it. I thought it was a cute picture of us making a fun memory with our first kiddo, shortly after we learned we’ll be having our second.

I started pulling up my Instagram to share it on social media. But then I looked at it again. All I could see now were the dark circles under my eyes and the crinkles that have started emerging around them when I smile.

Suddenly, I didn’t like the picture so much. I thought if I shared it, those imperfections would be the only thing other people would see as well.

So I didn’t post it. Instead, I feverishly researched eye creams later that night.

And that’s some real bullshit.

It’s bullshit that instead of seeing those wrinkles and dark circles as signs of growing wisdom and experience, I only saw signs of my diminishing value as a woman.

It’s bullshit that instead of admiring them as marks of devotion earned while my heart overflows for a sweet, tiny human who sometimes just needs her mama to lie down with her on a dark, scary night, I bemoaned them as marks of stress and exhaustion.

It’s bullshit that instead of appreciating them as the wear and tear exchanged for the gift of loving a child in such a way that I can’t remember now what I did during my carefree, wrinkle-free previous life — because the one I have now feels infinitely more rich — I only lamented my deepening crow’s feet.

And it’s bullshit that instead of seeing the beauty in it all, I could only see the flaws.

Well, I’m done bullshitting myself. I’m done falling for the lie that age will inevitably diminish the beauty worth sharing in my life.

So I’m sharing it now, imperfections and all. Because despite the inevitable wrinkles, life is always beautiful.

Here’s another riddle for you, Internets!


Why does my child appear green in this photo?

a) Poor natural lighting in our house

b) Because my iPhone camera has been on the “Process” setting for the entire year I’ve had it and I just realized it today

c) She’s about to vomit on my face

d) She’s an alien

Share what you see in the comments below! And be sure to start fights with your friends and family over it!

19 photos I couldn’t bear to delete to make room for the iOS8 update

Apple released the latest iOS update for iPhone today. And, in what may be the firstest of First World Problems, it has everyone complaining about how much storage space is needed to download it. This means deleting a lot of useless apps and selfie duplicates.

Because I’m currently unemployed, I had a lot of time to really comb through my photos and only keep those nearest and dearest to my heart. Here are 19 I just couldn’t bear to part with.

1. This photo of me standing in front of a Beef ‘O’ Brady’s in a snowstorm


We’ve all done it.


2. This photo of Pancake in which it looks like she doesn’t have ears

Pancake no ears

We did not chop off her ears, I swear. She still has them. We are not bunny abusers. Please don’t report us to animal control.


3. This photo of a squirrel-shaped nutcracker


If you’re cracking your nuts with anything else … you’re doing it wrong.


4. This photo of me holding what I assume is a life-sized replica of Chewbacca as a baby


If my child’s head is this big, she’ll be living in my uterus indefinitely.


5. This photo of the face I made after getting the World’s Worst Haircut

Bad haircut

It kind of made me look like Toad from Super Mario. Or a literal squire.


6. This photo of when we met The Great Pumpkin

Giant pumpkin

It was, like, really big.


7. This photo of when I made latkes because I like to pretend I’m Jewish around Hanukkah


The smell also lasted much longer than anticipated.


8. This photo of the time I totally nailed a Pinterest recipe

Pinterest fail

If someone tries to feed you food that looks like this, do not eat it. I repeat: DO NOT EAT IT.


9. This photo of Zach pretending to get stabbed in the eye with a dart


He kind of looks like he’s enjoying it …


10. This photo of a guy on the sidewalk dressed up as a giant bottle of shampoo


I just really admired his enthusiasm.


11. This photo of the time I spilled pho on my pants at lunch


If I don’t document these memories, who will?


12. This photo of blatant desecration of religious symbols in the workplace

Religious discrimination

For those of you who also like to discriminate against “other” religions, this is a menorah and a miniature Festivus pole.

It’s like this newsroom has never even heard of the First Amendment.


13. This photo of a lawn gnome a business donated to be a prize in an Easter egg hunt I used to plan


 You would not believe the knock-down-drag-out that ensued between two fifth-graders battling over this coveted creature.


14. This photo demonstrating that many people do not understand appropriate use of quotation marks


Sooooooo … can I get some Fanta or not?


15. This photo of a guy on the sidewalk dressed as a Big Blue Blob

Blue guy

WARNING: If you are dressed up as anything — literally, anything — in public, I will stop and take your photo.


16. This photo of a delicious lobster dinner I enjoyed back in March


Back off. It could be the last one I ever get.


17. This photo of a cardboard cutout of my childhood hero, Scruff McGruff (Chicago, Illinois, 60652)


He’s the only thing that kept me from pursuing a life of hard crime.


18. This photo I took of Pancake in which she looks completely hammered

Drunk Pancake

Jesus. It’s like I want someone to call animal control on us.


19. This photo of me touching the World’s Largest Purple Spoon (maybe)


I think they’re selling themselves short. This is probably the World’s Largest Purple Spoon, at least.


I suppose now that these images will live in perpetuity on the Internet, I can delete them from my phone. The emotional toll still might be too much though. Better play it safe and keep them this round.

If you invite me to your wedding, there’s a .009 percent chance I’ll ruin it with my face

One of my bestest friends got married a few weeks ago, and she graciously asked me to be in her wedding. The ceremony and reception were beautiful, and we had a blast taking fun photos before the celebration began.

I haven’t seen the official photos yet, but I really hope they turn out better than the ones I took in the photo booth with my husband and other bestie:

New photo booth with text

Sadly, because I’m not drinking right now, I truly have nothing to blame but my own face for this. And possibly my apparent confusion as to how photo booths operate. Yeah, let’s go with that.

I mean, I can take a decent photo when I need to, but I’m not going to claim to be the most photogenic person around. I’ve definitely taken my fair share of unflattering photos. But man, this … this should be deleted from the files immediately. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Then why are you putting it on the Internet?)

Or …


Or …



Ben and Lindsey: I can finish this up and have it shipped overnight in no time. You're welcome. So, so welcome.

Ben and LD: I’m finishing this up and will have it shipped overnight.
You’re welcome. So, so welcome.

If that doesn’t say “cherished keepsake documenting the happiest day of our lives,” I don’t know what does.

And since wedding season is coming up, I’ll give the engaged folks out there fair warning: If you invite me to yours, there’s at least a .009 percent chance that I’ll make this face again and ruin the whole thing.